The Psychic
A new novel by Mary A. Ellenton
How could two women’s fates become tragically entwined by a chance meeting at a grief support group? And how could just one curious visit to a psychic seem to set off a series of life changing events? Recently widowed Joan Bruno finds out firsthand when she meets with the mysterious and gifted psychic, Mrs. Habbibi.
THE PSYCHIC delivers a shivery dose of psychological suspense as it delves into the realms of grief, betrayal and hope with delicious intrigue.

A novel by Mary A. Ellenton
Flipping, a tantalizing first novel from Mary Ellenton, reveals the classic American Dream turned American Nightmare.
Fay Famaghetti is ready for a change. She realizes that she is meant for something beyond the drudgery of working in her family’s Italian restaurant business. When she moves from her hometown of Brooklyn, New York to suburban Long Island, a unique opportunity in the traditionally male dominated profession of mortgage refinancing presents itself and self-assured Fay decides to go for it.
Willfully seduced by the greed of the era and prospering in the murky waters of a corrupted system, Fay quickly gets in over her head while mixing business with pleasure within the treacherous industry that helped tumble the world’s greatest economy.
Mary A. Ellenton
Mary A. Ellenton always had an affinity for the written word. But like many women her schedule was crowded while she established a business and raised her children. Those busy years flew past, her children left home and time became available to indulge her passion. She’d always admired the trailblazing and quirky author Truman Capote. While watching a clip of her favorite writer being interviewed on The Dick Cavett Show she learned that he never even finished high school and this revelation inspired her to begin writing her first novel.
Ellenton has since discovered that being a published author is as satisfying as she always imagined it would be. A lifelong Long Island resident, Mary spends more time at her computer than she ever thought possible and her third novel is already nagging at her.
Contact Mary A. Ellenton
Mary can be reached via her publicist:
Ingrid Dodd Public Relations