News & Reviews for Flipping: The Book
May 15, 2013
Flipping is re-released by Gazebo Gardens Publishing
(Moonlight Garden Publications imprint).
The 2012 Long Beach International Film Festival
Mary A. Ellenton is to be Exclusive Guest Author at the Long Beach International Film Festival on August 30, 2012.
June 13, 2012
Mary A. Ellenton is the FIRST of Ingram’s independent authors to achieve a TOP FIVE Listing!
NAPW Author of the Month!
July 2012
Mary Ellenton has been chosen as the National Association of Professional Women’s (NAPW) author of the month! Read more…
Ellenton provides very realistic details about the creative financial “loopholes” and about the lending market. And oddly, does so with a woman at the helm (instead of the stereotypical older male). I was quite surprised that I enjoyed this book so much. Read the full review…
— Chick Lit Plus
“The term ‘financial crisis’ can conjure many mental images — from a foreclosure sign to a job fair to a Bernie Madoff-type crook being led away in handcuffs for committing who-knows-what kind of scam — and in Mary A. Ellenton’s debut novel, ‘Flipping,’ readers will find a most unexpected financial criminal: a woman.”
– Cristina Merrill, The International Business Times
“What I found fascinating about this book is that the story revolves around the ethical and moral dilemma of making money, and its personal impacts. It touches on sub-prime lending culture, business fraud, ‘creative’ accounting, loopholes to maximize profits (think Enron) in the real estate business. It draws from the US real estate market boom and the stock market crash of 2008. Read the full review…”
– Aloi, Guiltless Reader
“In her debut novel Flipping, Mary A. Ellenton manages to make the mortgage industry seem as sexy as it does scandalous. An alluring fictional depiction of how the real estate bubble grew as big as it did before finally imploding, Ellenton deftly weaves realistic details of the industry into the narrative making the reader nearly complicit in Fay’s rise and fall.”
– Nathalie Hardy, columnist and editor of Nathalie’s Notes
“’Flipping’ by Mary A. Ellenton follows young mortgage broker Faye Famaghetti as she becomes a red hot real-estate agent by capitalizing on the pre-2008 financial crisis housing boom, tears apart her family life as she cheats on her husband Genaro while involved with a seedy real-estate ex-broker who’s her mentor/lover. While you can see where this is going, Faye isn’t the lovey-dovey naïve character which has been over-played by other novels of similar nature, but instead, she is a strong female character who actively tries to change her life and then pays the price. If you like complex characters and three-dimensional plots, this book will surprise you.”
-Alla Salatnovich, Celebrity Books Reviewer
International Business Times
The Financial Crisis Gets a Woman’s Touch in ‘Flipping’
Celebrity Books Blog Spot

Exclusive guest author at 2012 Long Beach International Film Festival
Wow! When I first read the synopsis for this book, I thought it would be a light, fluffy chick-lit book. I was so wrong and I’m so glad! If you’re looking for a new beach read this summer, pick up Flipping!